Stories of the Pilgrims (Unabridged Start Publishing LLC)




Pilgrims, their life in England, their sojourn in Holland, and their experiences in A merica. The stories were mimeographed, simply illus trated, and used as reading lessons. It soon became evident that the children were living in these stories from day to day, feeling a personal interest in the different characters, and a personal acquaintance with them. An increased interest in reading and a consequent increase in ability to read well were the most immediate results of this work. A desire to know more of a story than these lessons gave, was another valuable result. For this desire on the part of the children to see a story in its natural setting, and to know what came before and what followed after, showed that they had reached the period which is a happy time for laying a strong foundation upon which to build later work; a time in which the awakened interest in people and events should be used to establish a firm basis for future reading and study in both biography and history.


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